Bitrix24 and Office Mapping – WordPress

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Among all living things, human beings are the most difficult to control and organize. This difficulty exists particularly because every human possesses a will, and can actively decide on their actions and responses. As a result, controlling / supervising the wills of adult workers in line with your business policies can be challenging. What then happens when you’ve got a handful, or say hundreds of employees to manage?

Controlling employees is so demanding that most organizations dedicate a Human Resource team for it. But then, even human resource teams (consisting of other employees) can encounter roadblocks while managing people within an organization.

Fortunately, you can harness your Bitrix24 CRM – in addition to your human resource department, and at no reoccurring costs – for improved employee management. This functionality synchronizes a map of your entire office / work area with the location of each employee, and is particularly useful if you work with a large number of people.

For this integration, we used JavaScript application to update standard Bitrix24 features with REST API so that you can stay abreast of each employee’s details and seat location. If your office is a large one, and you work with hundreds or thousands of employees, this feature will benefit your business in the following ways:

Easily Locate Each Employee

In business, time is money, and every second lost is equivalent to money and resources lost. Whenever the services of a particular employee are required, there is no need to go through the hassle of opening a dozen doors before finding them. A map of your office in your CRM will help you locate them without stress.

Smooth workflow

When you are able to save time with your CRM-integrated office map, your business projects and tasks can run smoothly without unnecessary interruptions. There’d be no need to pause tasks whenever the input of an employee is required as you can readily locate them.

Also, payment errors that may result from entry can be avoided when your invoicing process is automated.

Visitor Engagement

This real-time employee location system comes very handy when you have guests, clients or consultants visiting your premises. It helps them to easily locate your employees or offices, and complete their transactions in due time. In essence, you save their time, and improve their experience with your business.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

When your employees do not have to spend half of their working hours looking for one office or the other, your business productivity is increased. And when everyone involved in your daily projects can reach one another effortlessly, you improve each person’s efficiency, as well as the results your business enjoys.

Steps how it works

1. Here’s what our map integration on Bitrix24 looks like:

2. Administrators can place or delete employees on specific positions in the office.

3. Consequently, other members of the team can easily locate their colleagues by searching for their names or pictures.

4. Users can also zoom in and out of the map for better views.

You can also check out the video of this tutorial below: