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EMCsoft: A Customer-Friendly IT Company

EMCsoft: A Customer-Friendly IT Company When it comes to customer services, every company – including IT companies – prefer to work with the systems best suited for them. However, from inception up until now, EMCsoft has gained mastery over different customer relation systems. As such, we can work with clients and potential customers via various […]

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Why Your Business Needs Bitrix24, Not Just An Excel Spreadsheet

Several elements can work against your business operations. The pretty obvious ones are fierce competition, niche complexities, and poor customer perception. Others may not seem noteworthy, but they can strip you of your client base faster than you built it. One of them is the use of a spreadsheet like excel for customer interactions. Please […]

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Troubleshooting Self-Hosted Bitrix24 SMTP

Self-hosted Bitrix24 comes with a truckload of advantages. Nevertheless, it is not without its troubles. These troubles are often easier to understand if users begin their Bitrix24 story with this version. However, if the issues begin after a migration from the cloud version of Bitrix24 , it may not be too easy for you to handle. An […]

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Moving Your Business Data

If you’ve ever changed the physical location of your office, you’ll most likely understand what it means to move your business data from one system to another. Just as you would sort out all your papers, folders, and boxes to ensure they arrive at your new location intact, you’ll also want to ensure that your […]

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Empower Your Remote-First Culture with Bitrix24

Introduction to Remote-First Culture A company that practices a remote-first culture does not only permit its staff to work remotely. Such a company enables and empowers its staff to efficiently complete their tasks from remote locations. The operational structures in a company hoping to adopt the remote-first culture must also be flexible enough to help […]

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EMCsoft’s Review of Bitrix24

Introduction Customer relationship management makes up a vital aspect of every business. It involves every interaction a business has with its potential, current and past customers. And when a business fails to organize customer information and interactions, as well as the collaboration among its employees, success may not be attainable. Also, with the digitalization of […]

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EMCsoft Bitrix24 Integration

Bitrix24 currently boasts of over nine million clients worldwide. Approximately 60% of this number are only trying out the program or do not put it to frequent use. Half of the remaining 40% of Bitrix24 users prefer to continue with this solution’s cloud interface. Hence, the number of actual users is left at approximately 3,600,000. […]

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Bitrix24: From Cloud To Self-Hosted

The two versions of Bitrix24 are unique in themselves, but their differences are more than obvious. The self-hosted version of Bitrix24 gives room for further integrations, but most users prefer to sit snugly with the cloud version. This preferred contentment is no surprise because all you need to do is pay for the Bitrix24 license […]

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Does Bitrix24 Analytics Matter?

In this age, it is practically impossible for business operations to run successfully outside laid down principles and logic – especially if the efforts for growth will not be in vain. Hence, every business needs analytics to function optimally and with long-lived results. Business analytics are generated to improve the efficiency of business processes, especially […]

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5 Ways to Choose An Ideal CRM for Your Business

Your CRM system makes up a crucial part of your business. If your business will thrive and your relationship with your customers will not suffer, your choice of this system must be befitting for your business. Nevertheless, choosing an ideal one can quickly become a feat with the myriads of CRM software available today. This article […]

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Bitrix24 on premise. Self-hosted Advantages

Self-hosted Bitrix24 As you probably know, Bitrix24 can be obtained by two ways. First, you can choose cloud version and pay fees on regular basis. Another way is to buy Bitrix24 on premise, also called self-hosted. In this case, you will get a self-hosted with license code and you will need to get a server […]

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